Dancing Seaweed

A fascination and terror of the sea and all that dwells within.

As an Australian, I have spent a good amount of my time in the water.  The sea beckons and my dream is to live with a view of the ocean.  This was queerly, juxtaposed with an irrational fear of what is below the surface, until I spent a wonderful holiday in Sharm-El-Sheik and learnt to dive.  I loved the sensation of flying through a new world and what lies beneath I found breathtaking (literally!)  I can’t help but reflect this awe in my work.

I was struggling with a name for this piece, so asked my Instagram followers to help.  My dear friend Catherine suggested ‘Dancing Seaweed’ – it feels so right.


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Mixed media on panel.  Framed in dark, almost black painted wood.

Additional information

Weight 5.5 kg
Dimensions 250 × 5.5 × 150 cm
